Sunday, January 14, 2007

Written in the Spring of 2004

Watered-Down Days

Trying to open exposed doors
Breaking down all that I hold sacred
Finding nothing beneath my sheets
Praying for understanding
Dying for another day
Passing each light of filtered pain
Wanting far more than what has begotten me
Inducing another cold, rainy night
Feeling each rain drop as tear drops
Disturbing the fabric of my youth
Crying for another chance
Asking for one more sparkle
Living, for I must live

Thursday, October 12, 2006

What's a blog worth?


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Streamed Poem From An Early September Past

When I was a kid and I didnt know anything
When I was just me before I knew you
I knew nothing, literally
There was nothing that I knew without you
You made me, me
Plain and simple

What would I be without you?

You help me move on
You help me move forward

You give me strength
You give me love

You gave me; LIFE.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says

This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005.

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

My second story is about love and loss.

I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creation — the Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I really didn't know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.

During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together.

I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.

My third story is about death.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you'd have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I'm fine now.

This was the closest I've been to facing death, and I hope its the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960's, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Thank you all very much.

Friday, September 29, 2006

I've been playing in a few tournaments on PokerStars the past couple nights. It feels good to be back and playing. My results haven't been good whatsoever (tiny sample size >10) but I'm really playing great poker. As long as my girlfriend lets me play (cough, cough) and I put in a good number of hours online in the coming weeks, a big score is surely around the corner. Cheers!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Saturday's Are For Nascar

We drive an hour and a half out into the sticks of Las Vegas. It's bumper to bumper. A plane flies overhead. Oh wait, it's not a plane, its a motherfuckin' fighter jet. The stadium is right next to the largest airforce base in Nevada. It's nice out today; having been 115 degrees for the last 3 months, an 85 degree temperature tends to feel cool. We eventually make it into the parking lot and cruise in as some old man with a flashy-life-preserver-looking-thing around his torso escorts us to the appropriate place to park. They run a tight ship at Nascar races. Then there is the long wait for the tram into the stadium. It's me, Carolyn, and about a hundred and fifty drunkards rockin' Miller Lite cut-offs. I politely try and not make eye contact with any of these mongrels, less they find out that I am indeed not a racing fan and oh so very Jewish.

The stadium entrance is packed. We make it inside. Finding our seat is not too much of a hassle. Let's be realistic, we are at a Nascar race. There are throngs of people everywhere toting big, brash jackets, hats, shirts, bags, pants, shoes; all of which either promote a beer company or some random hick that drives fast for a living, or both.

It smells like rotten urine and sweet, old beer. I wallow in it. Breath it in. Could I do any less? This is my first race. I am now officially a fan.

Oh yeah that's right, by the way, the race was cool.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Monday, September 18, 2006

Films Come And Go

I actually liked watching "The Black Dahlia;" it was a good movie. And although it was less gruesome than I thought going in, what really freaked me out was the movie's use of clowns. I really don't think it was relavent to have those circus freaks as an intregal part of the story.

Author On My Mind: Capote

The mother's face, turned upwards into a clown-like pose has made my bones shiver over the past couple nights. For some reason, that image of her has been haunting me. Let that be a lesson to all you fuckers out there. If you are not one for the circus, avoid this movie.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Yesterday I talked about religion
Drown me in silver pools of speech
Yesterday I walked a thousand miles
Give me the strength of breath
Yesterday I challanged the life I know
Forget my shortcomings
Yesterday I failed you
Allow me to be loved
Today I became what I've always wanted
Let that be true


This past week has been somewhat uneventful.

Saturday was the wedding. It was a good time. There weren't maybe people under 35 there so it was pretty much lowkey. Vegas weddings are pretty much hilarious. The food was good. We looked hot (black sleek attire, obv). It was fun.

Sunday we just relaxed. It's been a hectic couple months. Any day off is a good thing.

Work's been pretty close to horrendous all week. People are quitting, management is shit. I think the business is collapsing. Eh, whatever. I really don't mind getting another job. It's just a pain in the ass looking. Plus I wanna take some classes at the local college around here so I can get back into that whole school thing. I've finished about 2 full years, so I'd only have 2 years of credit left to finish. I'd like to have my degree within the next couple years. We'll see.

T.V. Show On My Mind: Racialist (Obv Ali G Reference) Survivor

We've been figuring out plans for the holidays. I think Lyn and I are coming to Boston for Xmas. Thanksgiving is still slightly up for grabs, although I think we're gonna be in Spokane for that holiday. I'll know more concretely in the coming weeks.

Work in 9 hours. Pz.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Sick @ Work

How do people spend 8 hours a day for their entire lives doing something they do not like? Is this possible? Is it probable? Can this really be true? Could my grandfather be right? Is it true I will need to have a job for the rest of my life?

Sound On My Mind: Packing Bubbles

Can't I write, eat, have sex, and play poker forever? Is this possible? Is it probable?

What am I doing here? What am i living for? Where is this all going?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Oh Chea

Back at work. The long weekend was great. Lyn, me, and my Dad hung out daily. We grubbed at one of the best retaurant/lounges in Las Vegas. It's called Sedona. Amazing. We also played some 4-8 LHE at the Wynn. It was a good time. Been a while since I've been around that cardroom on a frequent basis. It's nice to see some old friendly faces, and chat with some folks I haven't seen in forever. I'm gonna start playing live a little bit here and there after work and weekends. Hopefully I can quit this job soon and start doing what I wanna do. 40-hours of meaningless work a week is killllllllllllllllllllling me!

Word On My Mind: Inconsistent

Theo's in L.A. right now. Hopefully he's taking down events left and right at the Commerce. Good luck bro!

Carolyn and I have a wedding to go to on Saturday. One of her cousin's is getting married. Hopefully they'll have an open bar. What good are weddings without a bunch of random people getting fucked up?

Sunday is poker night at Zak's. Another excuse to get fucked up.

All, pz.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Saturday's Saturation

Where art thou soft, impeccable world?

This is in my mind.

Your world, where it converges into my world.
To make due and make time due for you.

What time is never?

Without sufficient worth,
In this world, in yours,
Without which I cannot express.

My dying woes that die in my world,
And die in yours.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Yes Yes Yes It's The Weeeeekend AGAIN - WOOmotherfuckinHOO

My father's been in town all week. It's been a great time. It's always a great time when he's in town. Me, him, and Carolyn have been hanging out. A lot of drinks, a lot of food, a lot of good times.

Labor day weekend about to pop off. It's gonna be somewhat slow. Care's got work tomorrow and Monday, so I'll just be chillin' out, probably with my pops for most of the time.

Song On My Mind: "Baby, I'm a Big Star Now" by The Counting Crows

Tonight we're going to Marrakech, which is this Morroccan restaurant right near us. We have a 7:30 reservation. Tomorrow we're all gonna go over to the Wynn or Mirage or something and fuck around with some 3-6LHE. Drink some booze, play some pokah, it'll be a blast. Then Sunday we're gonna hit the pool at the Wynn. Tough to have the regular Labor Day weekend here in Vegas. It's 110 fuckin' degrees outside! Shit man, no BBQs. In any case, I'm looking forward to three days off work and being able to hang out with my Dad and with Lyn. Can't wait.

Work's about to blast off. I gotta roll. You stay real. You know I will.

Happy Fucking Holidays.

Monday, August 28, 2006

It Was The Weeeeeeeeeeeekend

Saturday I played poker online. I had qualified for a few tournaments on PokerStars that were happening Saturday afternoon, so in the morning I tried some other satellites on other sites. I ended up really only played two or three satellites and qualified for the Full Tilt 50k Guar. tournament. So I busted in the two Stars tournies relatively early. Both busts came from blind confrontations (my top pair vs. his set and my pp vs. his ace high). In the Full Tilt tournament I got my money in with AA vs. 33 and actually flopped top set, but, as has been my world (in poker) lately, he flushed out on 5th street. gg. It wasn't a good day, but I had my girl with me and my cats; win or lose, it's still good to be alive.

Saturday night was better. Carolyn and I went out to a drive-in movie theater; actually the only one in vegas. It was cool. We saw "Accepted" and watched a part of a Hilary Duff movie. It was hilariously horrible. I really can't believe a fuckin' movie studio produced that shit. Straight hilarity. By the way, I think we parked our car next to a broken sewer pipe. That was a good time.

Food On My Mind: Granny B's (ya'll betta recognize, plz)

So yeah, Saturday night was great, otherthan sitting in piss, I was with my girl; nuff said. Sunday we went over to Ethel M factory. If you don't know about this candy company, you need to find out. Their vanilla buttercreams will make you cum. Straight up.

We hung around the factory for a minute then went into Henderson and basically just cruised around, looking to stop at Green Valley Ranch, but to no avail.

The sun was hot. It's Vegas. It's always hot. But it's good to be in love, it sure is good to be in love....


p.s.-Entourage was kind of amazing, but too bad Lucky Louie is done for the season; fuckin' hilarity.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

One Day At A Time

Had a relaxing weekend.

Saw my good friend Justin on Thursday. We're gonna take over the world.

Carolyn got a new job and so has a more steady schedule. Most days we have the same hours, which is pretty amazing.

Played some satellites this weekend to the Sunday majors online. Didnt play too many sats and got raped in a bunch, but did qualify for the 150k guar. on Paradise. Played the type of game I used to play when I was killin' it, which is totally LAG (loose aggressive). I have to get back to my roots. I feel that this style suits me more. It definitely produces a lot of bad finishes, although when you get deep in tournies with this style it really helps you to capitalize on your big wins. Needless to say, I busted midway through the second hour. It's really been a while since I played a major so I wasn't too dissappointed in my play, although I definitely should have picked some better spots. Either way.....

Work has been a pain in the ass lately. There is all this drama going on. There is too much to put into this entry right now, but let's just say that some of the people here are playing all sorts of weird angles and trying to up the tension in our workplace. It's strange, maybe some people have a little too much time on their hands.

I've been trying to write more lately (LV seems to suck the creativity out of me), so maybe I'll start posting some of my writings (i.e. short essays, poetry, and streams) on here in the near future. The more I put life into words, the more I enjoy it all. It seems to give me perspective just to get it out onto paper and off my chest.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Schaaaaaaaaaaaaarffffff Doooooooooood

Monday, August 14, 2006

I Need Mo

Pretty relaxing weekend.......Spent Saturday with Carolyn just chillin. In the evening we went to meet up with Zak and his girl, and Jerry at this bar over on Blue Diamond. Just hung out there playing pool and drinking. It was a good time. I gotta start playing more pool, although I do KILL it when my game's on.

Today (Sun.) Care and I hung around until around 5pm when I met up with Theo and went over to the Orleans to see "World Trade Center." It was fuckin hectic. Man, what a depressing movie. Very emotional. So, after seeing that, my night was basically shot. I went home and grubbed some dinner, chilled with Lyn, and then played some small stakes Omaha Hi/Lo on PokerStars.

Tomorrow is work, AGAIN! Muthafuckasssss!


Friday, August 11, 2006

Around My Wrap Mind

It's wavy noon on sunday hair
Caress of mud when I touch the earth
You there with me when I'm here
Feeling words with nothing life
Gone hills over away
Return again thus to me again
With heart in rust
Heated ice of tangible love

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Been back in LV for a few weeks now. It's great to be back and to be laying low. Basically, I am just working and hanging out with Carolyn. My brother came back from Paris with me. He stayed in LV for almost a week. Lyn's friend Beth was also here when we got back into town. It was great but very very very crowded in my apartment. All four of us sleeping in one small apartment; it was nuts! So my brother and Beth both left a couple weeks ago. Since then it's just been me and Lyn. She just got a new job as an office manager for a Sears sister company. Pretty sick for entry level. She'll be making some good money as well. I'm still working for QuikDrop (GAY!) and playing a little online poker on the side. I really need to find a secondary source of income, because working 40 hours a week and making what I make ain't gonna cut it for long. Hopefully I can get something going with poker; we'll see.....

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ramblings From August (GET ME OUTTA HERE)

You must take the good with the bad. Life is all about choices. Decisions that bring you to where you are today. They are of the upmost importance. Life changing decisions mean the world to the world, even without the world. You can't rely on the sentimental part of things and avoid the unexplained phenomenons of this life. So you now go where you go before you went. Thinking and feeling and not kn0wing when you will get there. It's all about timing. Am I making the right decision at the right time? Could you really even begin to comprehend the magnitude of what you are doing or saying or thinking or the actions that you are currently involved in. Must you make this path and go out the otherside. Without knowing you or me or the world around us; it is impossible to readjust to what I not know.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The WSOP ME starts in roughly one day. If you wanna stake me the 10k I need to enter this event call my cell in the next 18 hours. 617-733-3892. Thanks.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Still In Paris

Nothing too exciting has been happening here in France, although it has been a great week. This is truely one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We've done a lot of sightseeing, walking, and EATING (obv). I would definitely love to live here one day, or just somewhere in Europe. I'm probably a little far off from moving out of the US, but it'd just be real amazing to get away from the states for a bit. Maybe Lyn and I will try another country at some point. You really never know!

Anyways, my battery is about to die and I gotta get back to the family for a late dinner.

Peace Love And Happiness,


Friday, July 14, 2006

A Paris

Man it's been a long time since I've updated my blog. I figured its about time, plus I'm in McDonalds using the fastest internet in Paris. That's right, I'm sitting in McDonalds, right across from the Jardin de Luxembourg. How amazing is that. It's about time I wrote in this blog, it's just that a lot has been going on lately and I haven't had time to write anything. I am currently working for a company called QuikDrop that sells items on Ebay. It is not necessarily a dead-end job but I hope to be playing poker professionally again very soon. It's been such a tough and amazing and straining and fun year; I obviously hoped to still be playing poker, but whamado, that's life. The 40 hour work week life is definitely harder than playing poker, although when you are playing poker for a living and the money on the table is the money that is going to pay your rent, it is one of the toughest things in the world to do. To play a game for the food on your plate is really no where near as easy as some people who have never done it may claim it to be. That's not to say that the straight-edge working life is easy, but I guess I'd just have to say they are hard in very different ways. I hope very soon to be back in the game playing poker everyday. I guess we'll just have to see where that goes. I can't work a 40-hour week for $300 forever!

Soooooooooo, in other news, my girlfriend Carolyn moved in with me a little over a month ago. She's holding down the forte while I'm away here in France. This is the first time in my life that I've lived with a woman so it's been a great adjustment for me. Lyn really gets me. She's a great girl and I love her. We've been having a great time this past month or so. With any relationship there is some tug-of-war, but it's truely been an amazing time. Love is amazing and intense and sad and happy and unexplainable, and everything else all at the same time, and that's why sometimes it hurts so damn much. I love you squish<3

So, hmmm, let's see.....Work, Paris, Carolyn.............I guess right now that's all that really seems pressing. It's only about 9:30 am in Paris right now. Today is Bastille Day in France, which is essentially their independence day. I've been here for it a couple times already and the city truely goes insane; it's great!

~~~~~~au revoir~~~~~~

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 5329449

Monday, May 22, 2006

If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I know its been awhile. I've been real busy, mostly just with work. Don't really feel like writing right now, so I'm just gonna make a list of my plans for the next few weeks:

May 22 - My 22nd Bday/Dad Arrives In LV

May 24 - Brooks Arrives In LV

May 27 - Leave LV For Boston

May 28 - Dylan's Bday/Jared's Grad Party

June 4 - Dylan's Graduation

June 5 - Leave Boston For LV

June 9 - Flight From LV To Spokane, WA

June 10 - Roadtrip With Lyn From Spokane To LV

June 11 - Arrive Back In LV With Lyn

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Life Is Good

So, I basically haven't played poker in a couple of weeks, but today Theo staked me in a $55 tournament on PokerStars. This hand happens within the first 45 minutes. I wouldn't even think twice about this hand under my normal circumstances, but because of the situation I'm in now, every suckout and 'bad beat' (not saying this is a suckout at all, although i do consider this hand a 'bad beat') just hurts so damn much (doubledamn :)). It's just so sick because I basically haven't played poker in a few weeks and I jump in a tournament today with a first prize of 5k and this happens to me (see below). Maybe I should be happy to have a job.

PokerStars Game #4855298661: Tournament #23912134, $50+$5 Hold'em No
Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2006/05/06 - 22:31:39 (ET)
Table '23912134 8' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Ludrock (1320 in chips)
Seat 2: davidross (2105 in chips)
Seat 3: windrpepper (3530 in chips)
Seat 4: Samuel Love (1755 in chips)
Seat 5: Ling (2335 in chips)
Seat 6: dgevil (1625 in chips)
Seat 7: MSUcougar (2255 in chips)
Seat 9: Moosebabies (755 in chips)
Ling: posts small blind 25
dgevil: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Samuel Love [Qd Qc]
MSUcougar: folds
davidross said, "tx"
Moosebabies: raises 150 to 200
Ludrock: folds
davidross: calls 200
windrpepper: folds
Samuel Love: raises 1555 to 1755 and is all-in
Ling: folds
dgevil: folds
Moosebabies: folds
davidross: calls 1555
*** FLOP *** [9c Qh 2d]
doubleas is connected
*** TURN *** [9c Qh 2d] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [9c Qh 2d Ks] [Js]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
davidross: shows [Kd Kc] (three of a kind, Kings)
Samuel Love: shows [Qd Qc] (three of a kind, Queens)
davidross collected 3785 from pot
windrpepper said, "ouch"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3785 | Rake 0
Board [9c Qh 2d Ks Js]
Seat 1: Ludrock folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: davidross showed [Kd Kc] and won (3785) with three of a kind,
Seat 3: windrpepper folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: Samuel Love (button) showed [Qd Qc] and lost with three of a
kind, Queens
Seat 5: Ling (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: dgevil (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 7: MSUcougar folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: Moosebabies folded before Flop

Friday, May 05, 2006

Show Me The Money, Show Me The Money, Show Me The Money!!!!

Working fulltime now; yeah yeah, i know. Well, I went a year with financial, emotional, and physical freedom; it was one hell of a ride. But it's gotta stop somewhere, right? Maybe not.....I can work for a living and still be free, can't I?

My father's coming to Vegas in about two weeks. I can't wait to see him!

A week after my father gets into Vegas, I'm going to Boston for a few days. I'll be coming home for my brother's birthday and his graduation, as well as for Jared's graduation party. It's gonna be a great trip. When I get back to Vegas, Lyn and I will be moving in together. I can't fuckin' wait. She's so important to me and makes me so incredibly happy---we're gonna have a great life!

Well, I'm a working man now so I gotta hit the sack, but I'll keep on keepin' on, you can all be sure of that. Until then, peace, love, and happiness....
If your heart is empty, your mind doesn't matter.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I just had one of the best week's of my life.

Lyn, my baby, you are fucking amazing and I cant wait for this summer!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

It's Sunday All Week

set over set is so incredibly unlucky.

lyn is amazing.

pasta salad is um, yeah, it's fuckin' yum.

the takeover kills heads in wpt orbits.

roses on kitchen tables perks vibes of moments past.

women in kitchens gives me goose bumps.

old smiling men in grocery stores should not look at my girl.

vegas is the nuts only when i have 'em.

sunday is for church but for me its only about the sopranos.

sitting on golden sands with lynny, so go i will.

it's saturday, but to me, everyday is sunday.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Lifely Update

On Friday night, this past week, I went out with John Phan, Theo, and a few other poker players. It was nuts because Phan had just chopped up the 3k Bellagio event earlier that day, so he was poppin' Dom and Goose all night. We ended up at Tao, which is a sick nightclub in the Venetian. It was fuckin' wild. I rarely go to clubs, and never on someone else's dime. Sitting there, drinking one of the most expensive champagnes in the world with one of the greatest poker players in the world, man, I couldn't believe it. Big ups to Theo for inviting me and shit.

Well, tonight Lyn is coming into town from Orlando. It's gonna be great to see her. She's so important to me and has been such a great influence on my life these past few months. She'll be here for a week just chillin' with me. It's gonna be awesome. I think, if it all works out, Lyn will be moving here this summer. I guess we'll just have to see.

Until then....

Monday, April 17, 2006

I wanna lay on my back,
In a desert full of love,
And feel the heartbreak,
Across my body,
Flowing with the wind,
As I make my way out of this life,
And into the next.

Over at Theo's right now. He's chopping up the 55k guaranteed tournament on PokerStars at this very moment; I think he's gonna get a little over 10k for his efforts. Kid's a fuckin savage. Great job bro. Way to pull thru for the big cash.

Lyn's coming to Vegas in three days. Wooooooooooooooooot!!! That's my baby.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Story Of My Life

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to McBeasterson [Ts Td]
RGold79: folds
A Cut Above: folds
bouh: raises 400 to 800
McBeasterson: raises 2915 to 3715 and is all-in
jonzo: folds
zaratusa: folds
Shanti2: folds
groupco: folds
Pfnady: folds
groupco has returned
bouh: calls 2915
*** FLOP *** [As 8h Ac]
*** TURN *** [As 8h Ac] [2d]
*** RIVER *** [As 8h Ac 2d] [3h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
bouh: shows [8d 8s] (a full house, Eights full of Aces)
McBeasterson: shows [Ts Td] (two pair, Aces and Tens)
McBeasterson said, "whats new"
bouh collected 8255 from pot

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to McBeasterson [Kh As]
due coglioni: raises 120 to 140
Got Game2006: calls 140
McBeasterson: raises 2830 to 2970 and is all-in
boomerang45: folds
Mickkk: folds
bolsans: folds
LukeFree: folds
Hermanator G: folds
Melchiades: folds
due coglioni: calls 2830
Got Game2006: calls 2390 and is all-in
*** FLOP *** [4d 7c 7s]
*** TURN *** [4d 7c 7s] [6d]
*** RIVER *** [4d 7c 7s 6d] [Qd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
due coglioni: shows [Th Kd] (a pair of Sevens)
McBeasterson: shows [Kh As] (a pair of Sevens - Ace kicker)
McBeasterson collected 880 from side pot
Got Game2006: shows [Td Jd] (a flush, Queen high)
Got Game2006 collected 7620 from main pot
McBeasterson said, "VNH"

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to McBeasterson [Qh Qs]
R23K: calls 20
Dudley33: calls 20
BIG TASSO is connected
~US&Co~: calls 20
McBeasterson: raises 1970 to 1990 and is all-in
mimmo73: folds
TruGrindr: folds
stosh663 is connected
cuzvito is connected
R23K: calls 980 and is all-in
Dudley33: calls 980 and is all-in
~US&Co~: folds
*** FLOP *** [As 2h Kh]
*** TURN *** [As 2h Kh] [9s]
*** RIVER *** [As 2h Kh 9s] [Jd]
McBeasterson said, "VNH"
*** SHOW DOWN ***
R23K: shows [7s 7c] (a pair of Sevens)
Dudley33: shows [9h Ah] (two pair, Aces and Nines)
McBeasterson: shows [Qh Qs] (a pair of Queens)
Dudley33 collected 3050 from pot

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to McBeasterson [Qh 7c]
LottoLaffen: folds
Tiger7210: folds
goccia49: calls 100
ABVidale: folds
daicon418: calls 100
fasteddiecub: calls 100
marathonien: folds
Yawgie: folds
McBeasterson: checks
*** FLOP *** [Qs 4h 7h]
McBeasterson: bets 400
goccia49: folds
daicon418: folds
fasteddiecub: raises 3150 to 3550 and is all-in
McBeasterson: calls 1850 and is all-in
*** TURN *** [Qs 4h 7h] [7d]
*** RIVER *** [Qs 4h 7h 7d] [Qc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
McBeasterson: shows [Qh 7c] (a full house, Queens full of Sevens)
fasteddiecub: shows [3d Qd] (a full house, Queens full of Sevens)
McBeasterson collected 2475 from pot
fasteddiecub collected 2475 from pot
McBeasterson said, "haha"

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to McBeasterson [Jh Js]
Yawgie: folds
McBeasterson: calls 100
fasteddiecub said, "SON OF A"
LottoLaffen: folds
Tiger7210: calls 100
goccia49: folds
ABVidale: folds
daicon418: folds
fasteddiecub: raises 2900 to 3000 and is all-in
marathonien: calls 2900 and is all-in
McBeasterson: raises 6850 to 9850 and is all-in
Tiger7210: folds
*** FLOP *** [Jd 7s 8c]
*** TURN *** [Jd 7s 8c] [Th]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 7s 8c Th] [6c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
fasteddiecub: shows [9d 4s] (a straight, Seven to Jack)
marathonien: shows [Ah Ks] (high card Ace)
McBeasterson: shows [Jh Js] (three of a kind, Jacks)
McBeasterson said, "VNH"
fasteddiecub collected 9100 from pot

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to McBeasterson [Ac 6s]
LottoLaffen: folds
Tiger7210: folds
Letitride10K: folds
ABVidale: folds
daicon418: calls 600
fasteddiecub: calls 600
marathonien: folds
Yawgie: folds
McBeasterson: checks
*** FLOP *** [Ad 9s 8h]
McBeasterson: checks
daicon418: checks
fasteddiecub: bets 1800
McBeasterson: calls 1800
daicon418: folds
*** TURN *** [Ad 9s 8h] [6c]
McBeasterson: checks
fasteddiecub: bets 1800
McBeasterson: raises 8525 to 10325 and is all-in
fasteddiecub: calls 8350 and is all-in
*** RIVER *** [Ad 9s 8h 6c] [Kc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
McBeasterson: shows [Ac 6s] (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
fasteddiecub: shows [7c 5c] (a straight, Five to Nine)
fasteddiecub said, "WORD"
fasteddiecub collected 26450 from pot
McBeasterson said, "VNH"

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to McBeasterson [Tc Jc]
fishermanjim: folds
SmilingAce: folds
GeneralTsou: raises 150 to 200
macdaddyt: folds
chuckieaz: folds
gull58: calls 200
jcar727: folds
McBeasterson: calls 150
*** FLOP *** [4c 3c 8s]
McBeasterson: bets 240 and is all-in
GeneralTsou: folds
gull58: calls 240
*** TURN *** [4c 3c 8s] [7s]
*** RIVER *** [4c 3c 8s 7s] [5h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
McBeasterson: shows [Tc Jc] (high card Jack)
gull58: shows [2c 6c] (a straight, Four to Eight)
gull58 collected 1105 from pot

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Skooty Koo

Checked out Lake Mead today, some cool spots over there......heading out right now to play in the Caesar's Tournament. Wish my broke ass some luck baby!

Just A Thought

I really like this piece of writing, sans explitives:

When I was down in Mexico a couple years ago, this chick that I met in Yelapa told me, when I asked her how things were going, she said "esta todos bien" hit me hard, like, it's all good; no worries; all that shit. Those three simple spanish words actually affected my entire trip, as well as my own perception of the world around me. But now, thinking back on what she said to me, I think she's completely full of shit: nothing is alright, everything is not great, there are too many fuckin worries in the world. So bitch, what the fuck are you talking about? Go back to your stupid fuckin' crunchy granola life in upstate Oregon and die muttering "esta todos bien," you dumb fuckin' cunt.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm standing in the middle of the desert,
Waiting for my ship to come in,
But now no joker, no jack, no king,
Can take this losing hand,
And make it win,
I'm leaving Las Vegas.


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Helping my buddy Theo move in a couple hours then probably playing some cards at the Palms.

Friday, April 07, 2006


So, I got this job, it's only on fridays, so just one day a week. I just gotta drive around Vegas delivering these magazines, so it's a pretty simple job, but fuck man! it's still a J.O.B. Anyways, it'll be good for me to put some extra scratch together since I've been getting killed at the tables lately. I'm gonna start rockin' a few part time, simple jobs around town, just to keep my head above water. Well, I guess we'll just have to see what happens. Wish me luck!

Shit, it's been 11 months since my last job, can I really complain?

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Raindrops Make My Stomach Turn

Poker is eating away at my heart.

Am I cut out for this business? Do I have any business being in this business?

What next?

Where do we go from here?

I have so much in front of me, yet I keep looking back.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Dilly Dally, I Ran Thru An Alley

Brooks is in town. He got here Tuesday night. First night in Vegas we chilled out around town with his brother (Doug) and his girlfriend (Alex). It was a blast. The next day we got food and played poker. Thursday we went to the nightclub at the Wynn, Tryst, with my buddy Theo and his friend, Casey. We got ripped and ended up at my favorite 24-hour diner, where we ate, drank, and were fuckin' merry. Yesterday was low-key, with late wake-ups, and early dinners. Today, for the first time in a week, I woke up before noon. There's a fuckin' miracle. Today it's gym, sun, food, poker, drinking, raging, sleep.

Part II coming soon....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

No Compromises - Part I

Car keys, check, wallet, check, 27s, check, soul, check. Crossing the walkway into the Las Vegas airport I look up to see a looming 100 foot billboard of Jerry Seinfeld. Oh Vegas. I spot Jared, sporting an Abercrombie hoodie and jeans that seem to be worn, but no, they're not worn; that's the new style, and he bought them like that. He stands, leaning against a slot machine. We greet, we find his carousel, we grab his bags, we stroll thru the cluttered baggage claim into the night air. Crossing the street we roll into the parking lot. My black, shining, car is parked all the way at the back so we have a little ways to go: we talk about life back home in Boston. I miss the good ole days. We spin wheels and hit the pavement. Back at my place, with the strip's many towers looming over my apartment complex, we drop his bags off and decide to grab some food.

It's the Peppermill, a 24-hour diner just past the Wynn, on the strip. From the outside it resembles a strip club, with it's flourescent lights and sleek look, but in actuality it's just an ordinary diner, with maybe just a little extra pizaz. The food's terrible but the conversation is great. We reminisce. It's great. It's good vibrations. It's life.

Waking up, stepping outside, the morning air still brisk in March. It's a beautiful day. I step back inside, Jared stirs. We shower, dress, and head over to play some poker at the MGM. It's Saturday and it's packed. Beautiful girls everywhere, as well as grandmothers and babies in carriages; you gotta love Las Vegas. A friend of ours, Mike, shows up from L.A. and we go grab a drink. At the bar we toast to good times and future excursions. We all sip from our Sierra Nevada's, I'm thirsty, it defintiely hits the spot, and I'm with good people, life is good.

It's too strange to even begin to comprehend how and why things happen to us and why we make certain decisions when we do. A year ago Vegas was a dream. Reality really has a way of catching up with you.....

Thursday, March 09, 2006

We Call This Life

Dad left last night. We had a blast! If only he could learn how to play aces.... ;) I also did KILL him in scrabble, yet again, although he's learning to take my domination well.

Spent all day today doing absolutely nothing, and it was amazing! Although, I did get up off my fatass and hit the gym.

Played some poker friend Lyn is staking me in a bunch of tournaments online, so hopefully I can eek out a win sooner rather than later.

Watched Garden State yet again last night. That movie is so fucking incredible. Zach Braff is a genius!

Nothing else really going on in the near future here in LV although I've decided to take up my father's challange: I'm gonna put in a bunch of sessions in the low limit cash games around town and see what my hourly rate will be and how profitable those games can be. They're so soft and actually fun to play, rather than the NL games which can be extremely stressful. We'll see how it goes.

Anyways, I'm off.

Peace, love, and happiness,


Monday, March 06, 2006

Existence is wasted,
On invisible relationships,
Of the Heart and Mind,
With nowhere to go but home,
Even Forfeiting,
And Liberty,
As we know it,
In our own souls.

Friday, March 03, 2006

You can call this a fad
if you want and try to calculate its shelf life.
But to me,
to all the people I know,
this is life.

-Scott Fischman

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Baby I'm a Big Star Now

Been a pretty quiet week. Essentially taking a long ass break from playing online. I've been hitting up the Wynn daily, although I'm running so fucking bad and my money situation has taken a turn for the worst. I'm right on that cusp of having to get a job. A job, yes, yes, a fuckin' job. It's saddens me to think that I may actually have to work for a living..haha..oh well. Also reevaluating a lot of my shit. Thinking more long term and maybe considering going back to school and finishing up my degree. Eh, I dont know if I really wanna do that right now, but its defintiely concieveable in the semi-near future.

Actually havent been to sleep yet. Played 6 hours at the Wynn last night/early morning. My buddy, Brad, who's basically living at the Wynn (has a room there for weeks on end), staked me in the 2-5NL game. I rarely, if ever, have been staked in a cash game, but seeing as how I can't win anymore with my own money, I might as well try someone else's. Well, it was a good night, surprisingly. I bought in for $500 (Brad's $) and was just about even for two hours, then a big hand happened where I sucked out like a champ. I got most of my money in preflop with KK and this other dude obv woke up with AA (thats how fuckin good im running right now!!!). Well, long story short, I spiked a king on the river for a $700 pot. That brought me up to about $900 in my stack. I played for a few hours more and just picked up small pots here and there, ending the night with $1100 in chips, $600 profit. Since Brad staked me, I gave him the buyin back plus half the winnings, so I actually only wound up making $300. A few months ago, or even a few weeks ago, $300 wouldnt have mattered at all either way, but I've just been on such a bad streak that it was real sweet to just pick up a little dough. I went the whole month of February winning only one session. That's how bad it's been. So, it was nice to get a little confidence back and get out of this rut that ive been in. Hopefully I'll continue this little rush over the next month or so and put together some meaningful scratch. Fingers crossed.

My Dad's coming tomorrow, staying at the Wynn. I'm really looking forward to it. He comes to Vegas a few times a year and we always have a great fuckin' time. It's awesome having him here, especially because he actually stays at my homecourt! It's gonna be a fun week.

Alright, nuff said; i've been up for almost 24 hours, time to hit the sack. Late.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Well, hope you all enjoyed that story. It was a crazy hand and very influence to what I am currently trying to accomplish here in Vegas. I wanna go over the hand more in detail and explain my thought processes behind many of my decisions, but I'm dumb tired and can't really think very well right now. I'll get to it soon, though, promise.

Anyways, it's been pretty quiet around here lately. Mom was in town for a little while. It was great seeing her and going out to dinner around town and showing her my city. She also helped to decorate my apartment a little bit, which was pretty bland before her visit. Thanks Mom!

Sold my car, don't worry, not the Scion. I sold the Honda Prelude (again, thank you thank you thank you mom!!!) to a couple of nice guys from the area. I didn't get much for it but it was great just to get it out of my life and off my mind. The Prelude had been more of a problem than anything else.

Money's been a little tight recently although I still have been playing a lot live and playing a few tournies here and there online. I mean, I guess I really shouldn't complain; it's been nine months since I held a real job! That's definitely sweet! I enjoy working for myself and not having to answer to someone all the time. Also, who the fuck wants to get up at 6am, put on a suit and tie, and go work for 8 hours every singe day?! Not Me!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My buddy Theo took down a tournament at the L.A. Poker Classic for 94k a few weeks ago and then this past sunday got 6th in the big weekly pokerstars tournament for 26k. He's having a sick start to '06. Congrats bro!

Anyways, lots of stuff is happening in March--Dad's coming the 3rd for a week, Jared is coming up in the middle of the month (i think), Ilana might be here as well, I think Kesner is coming down here for spring break, and maybe a few other people. Should be a great month!

No Worries,


Monday, February 20, 2006

The Best Hand I Ever Played

It's late. I've been up for at least 2 days. It's cold, like that stale, dry, cigarette soaked air that surrounds you late night at the Vegas casinos. I'm tired, hungry, but the adrenaline is seething through my veins. I'm sitting behind a massive chip stack at the head of the table, seat 7. We're short-handed. It's at least 3am and we're all bum tired but playing through it. To my right is a husky asian guy, great guy, named J.P. Across the table is Mr. HyperAggression, Abib we'll call him. Wearing dark Oakley's and a white t-shirt, he stands out from the crowd. A dangerous man at the poker table and an obsessive chain smoker off the felt; he likes to gamble. A few other faces scatter the table, we're maybe 5 or 6 handed at this point in the night. The cards don't sleep, so neither do we.

I came into the Wynn cardroom for the first time ever earlier in the day with a friend of mine, Justin. A nice kid from Georgia, with budding potential in the poker business. Smart and business savvy, he had been in Vegas for over a month now and had been playing day in and day out, making that money. It was early afternoon, summer, Vegas. The heat you can't believe, but when you open those big double doors to the casino floor and you step inside, the air is like a beautiful breeze you've never felt before. The casino floor a dimly lit orange with gorgeous chicks everywhere, grandmothers in wheelchairs, kids running around, families, and us, rounders, coming to take your money.

Abib is scooping in a monster pot with his clammy paws when I look up and see a connected board of all little cards and a guy's KK laid face up in the muck. Abib's cards, a deuce and a five offsuit lay next to the community cards, all five spread across the middle of the felt. I see he made a straight on fifth street. He shovels the rest of his chips into his little corner of the table as the dealer instantly puts the cards back together, puts them into the automatic shuffler, and grabs the other deck which has been laying in anticipation for its depature to the felt, this all in an instant. I receive my holecards and peek down at ace seven of hearts. I look up to see Abib throw one grey $20 chip in the middle, a UTG (under the gun) limp. The action is on me, im on the cutoff and make it $100 to go. I got position, I got heart, I have the will to win this hand, right now. Both blinds throw their cards at the dealer, Abib reraises. It's $200 more to me. Fuck it, im suited! We're both pretty deep, about 9k apiece in chips. I know if i hit a monster flop, I'm going to stack Mr. HyperAggression. The dealer peels off the burn card and places a jack, a nine, and a seven on the felt.

Justin and I had gotten the buffet earlier in the day. We both took a break from our games, him at 2-5NL and me at the 10-20NL game. It's good to step away from the table time to time, just to clear your head, inhale the casino floor air, and grab food, which for the most part, in the big casinos on the strip, is usually amazing. We grub hard; it's a little past dinner time and I know that I probably wont eat again until the next day, so I fill my buffet plates up like I've been starving in Ethiopia for the past five years. We chat, we eat, we roll back to the cardroom. I sit down at the table to see some new faces. Most of them are serious players, I can just tell, and one of them is our hero, Abib. I see Justin from the rail, he's motioning to me. "Dude, you see that indian dude over there? He is a nutjob, orchestrates crazy ass bluffs, just been weary. Be cautious." I sit back down at my seat. Wow, this could be fun.

Our hero is first to act. He bets $500. The pot is now at $1100 and I have a pair. Can I fold? Fuck no. Call. The turn card falls, a five. A beautiful card. He bets out again, this time a thousand. A grand. C'mon bro, what are you betting a grand with? I look at him, study him, and before I know it I'm in his head. I declare a raise. "$2200 total." Abib flings in a pineapple and drops another ten $20 chips on the felt. A smooth call on my questionable raise. Hmm, what does this mean? Who does he think he is? Wouldn't he have went allin if he had the made hand. I'm confused, I'm tired. I have no idea where I'm at here. I stay motionless but my mind is racing a million thoughts. The pot looks to be about $6,000. Mounds of chips and cash, beautiful clays discs strune across the felt. The dealer peels the burn and drops a queen. We have a river. The board reads jack, nine, seven, five, queen. My hearts pumping, my mind is racing. What the fuck is going on here? I see about 6k in the pot. I know I have about 6k in my stack. Abib is sitting on about the same amount. Jesus Christ, ten days again I was playing $20 buyin at my buddy Dave's house, and now this? What have I gotten myself into.


All-in? Wait, what? Did he just say "all-in?" Ok, ok. I look at him, study him. He is a rock, a brick building, Fort fuckin' Knox. I stand up, I sit down, I lean my knees into the chair. I sit, still. I look at him. This man, this, this.....this creature, who has just put $6,000 more of real money into this already tremendous pot. I have fourth pair on the board. I can't beat anything. I mean, I can beat a bluff. That's about it. Is he really orchestrating this crazy of a river bluff. A 6k bluff at the end? Is it possible? I look at our hero again, Abib. I rethink what Justin had told me earlier in the day about his playing style. "Dude, you see that indian dude over there? He is a nutjob, orchestrates crazy ass bluffs, just been weary. Be cautious." I take off my hat and look at him again. He is still frozen. I think I have the best hand. I mean, I can't be completely sure, but I get inside his head, I think his thoughts; I know him better than he knows himself.

"I call."

Abib slowly takes off his black, piercing shades and flips over two black threes. I slam my Ace Seven on the felt! I get up in triumph, walk around the pokerroom floor, catch my breath, take a look at the numerous people standing around the table in awe. I see the dealer shovelling the $18,000 pot in my direction. I am in shock. I see the back of Abib's head as he walks out of the cardroom, cigarette in mouth, cellphone dialing in disbelief. I receive a few handshakes, a few "how the fuck can you call that bet", and a bunch of pats on the back.

That was the defining moment of my poker career. I knew, after I played this hand, that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Thanks Guys

Sup all.....well, I got a lot of responses to my last post about whether or not to continue this blog from a bunch of different people, so first of all, thank you. Secondly, because of all the positives I received for keeping this blog up, I will be doing exactly that: keeping this blog and updating it a few times a week, if not more!

It's really great to see all the people out there interested in my life, my writing, and what I'm doing on a daily basis. So, I appreciate the support and interest that has been voiced to me over the past week.

I'm actually running out right now to meet my buddy for lunch and play some cards over at the Wynn.

I'll be doing new entries religiously over the next couple months.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006


So, if you've been reading my blog over the last 6 months, you would have realized that I havent really made any new entries in over two months. I got feedback from a few people here and there saying they really enjoyed reading it and hearing about my new life here in Vegas., but most of those people were close friends along with some other poker players that I know. Anyways, I just wanna know from those of you who actually check up on this blog and read it on a semi-regular basis, if it's worth updating.

Basically, just let me know thru my AIM, beastyoumass, if you'd still be interested in reading this blog on a semi-regular basis.

Thanks guys.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Things fall apart
The center cannot hold
Mere anarchy is loosed
upon the world
-W.B. Yeats
Irish Nationalist poet

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

This game......

beats you into the fucking ground.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Been a while, lil update

Well, its been a while since I posted. Gotta update a little....

My trip to L.A. was fun but not productive money-wise. I raped the cash games at Hollywood Park but got owned in the two tournaments that I played, so I broke even on the trip. Stayed at a bangin' hotel which was sweet. Also, played with Barbara Enright, who has the best finish for a woman in the WSOP main event's history, when she took 5th in 1995 (the year Harrington won it all). So, that was definitely cool; she's a sweet lady.

Got back here and started playing a shitload of cash games at the Wynn. Stopped playing online mostly, although I do hit one or two tournies a day. Online poker is real gay, i mean really fuckin' queer. I'll quote Roman when I say it's "gayer than a picnic."

So, I've been doing well lately and playing with some real cool people....kinda bored with the scene here, tho; looking forward to going home for thanksgiving and seeing everyone back east.

My buddy Chris just moved in a couple doors down from me which is sick. Let's just hope the fucker can get his bankroll going and come rape the cash games with me over at the Wynn.

Was playing 5-10NL the other night at the Wynn when Joseph Hachem sat down directly on my right. If you don't know, the guy won the WSOP main event this year. Dude just won 7.5million and is just chillin, playing a little no limit with us donkeys. He was a real good shit...talked to him about poker, life, etc. Seemed real humble for a guy who had just won all that fuckin money and fame. It was definitely cool to play with him.

Anyways, other shit's been going on, but im tired of writing. So, more later on..


Monday, October 24, 2005

Off to Los Angeles

Leaving for L.A. in about 9 hours. I'm gonna be there for a couple days playing some tournaments at Hollywood Park.

Wish me luck....

Saturday, October 22, 2005 coming soon...

Been playing a shitload of poker the past 72 hours or so. The other night I won a $5 tournament on PokerStars for about 2k. It started with about 1800 people so I pretty psyched to take it down; it's been awhile since I've had a good online tourney finish.

Then on Thursday I met with with Chris at the Bellagio to play in the $540 tourney they have every Thurs/Fri/Sat, i think. I tried to satellite in but didnt make it. Chris did, but busted early on in the tournament.

There was also the last few tables of a major buyin event ($10,000) going on in the poker room. Ferguson, Gracz, Harrington, Liebert, Hanson, and a bunch of others were all there playing. It was good shit to see all those big names playing against one another, although I've seen all of them before and even played with a bunch of them in the WSOP. You shoulda seen the rail on the outside of the tournament tables, it was mayhem. T.V. made poker players into superstars, it's fuckin' hilarious.

So, while Chris played in that tournament, I sat down at the 10-20NL shortstacked with only about $600 in front of me (the minimum buyin for that game at the Bellagio). I hadn't played at this limit in over a month, but I was feeling good about my game and wanted to give it another try. Well, I sat down and soon after Mel Judah and Paul Wolfe both came to the table. These aren't two of the biggest names in poker, but Mel has been around for a while and won a WPT event; Paul has been playing great tournament poker that last few years and also has a couple major titles under his belt. So, it was a little intimidating, but after I took a $1800 pot off Judah, and got Wolfe to lay down the best hand, I was feeling pretty good. So, i went on to more than triple up and leave with about a 2k profit. Any addition to my bankroll at this point is a worthwhile addition.

So, Chris busted out of that tourney and I got up from the table a little while later to go and cheer him on at the MGM, where he was chipleader and almost in the money at a tourney there. He ended up busting out on the bubble; that sucks. I played craps for awhile at the MGM and actually made a few hundred, which was definitely sweet. I love craps, but its a fuckin' killer most of the time.

Later that night we went to the Plaza for a $100 buyin tourney. I busted on the FT right before the money but he ended up chopping 1st with another guy and so we both made out about $250 to the good. I think we're gonna continue to rape these donkfest low buyin events around vegas.

I'm probably going to L.A. on Sunday to play in the 9th Annual National Championship of Poker at the Hollywood Park Casino. I'm gonna play in the $300 NL on Monday and the $300 Limit on Tuesday, and if I do well in either of them I'm going to stay for the rest of the events including the $2,000NL championship event on the 30th. We'll see how it goes...

....Keep on keepin' on....

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Back to the Tables

It's been an interesting week.....met up with a kid I've been playing poker with on Stars (N!LE). He just moved out here this past month. We've been hitting up these tournaments around town, splitting our winnings 50/50. It's been going well; we've been finishing in the money a lot of the time; we own, obv. Anyways, Chris (N!LE) is a real good shit and is defintiely a good player. We're gonna make some good money in the upcoming few months from these soft tournies.

Got back to playing NoLimit cash games as well. I've been hitting the 2-5 NL at the Wynn pretty hard. It's up and down, and I've had a few bad beats but all in all its going well. Got two outted on the river the other day for a $1000 pot, so I had to take 24 hours off the felt just to get my mind straight. A few months ago that pot wouldnt have meant anything to me, but now my bankroll is no where near as fat as it once was, so I gotta learn to avoid those 2 outers, haha....

Had a good session tonite, actually, in the 2-5 game, spiked quad sevens and raked a $1500 pot, so shit's definitely looking promising......just gonna continue to play my game at the 2-5 tables and N!LE and I will surely continue to own these tournaments.

Got my plane ticket to come back east for thanksgiving...i'll be in NY for a few days and then back in boston for a few, before heading back to vegas.

tired as fuck, gotta pass out....

Tuesday, October 11, 2005



brett was up this weekend with some friends from home and we raged it up on friday. it was a good time. i took them out all around vegas then we went out to the clubs and got shitfaced.

my new car has been sweet! fuckin jet black amazing!

on a sad note, my great uncle died this week, condolensces to my grandma and grandpa....

Monday, October 03, 2005

Poker Championship

I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!

This event is powered by PokerStars.

Registration code: 8611253

Sunday, October 02, 2005


So, I'm flying to Sandiego tomorrow to go scoop my new car (the Tc) and bring it back to Vegas. It's gonna be sick; finally a new car with a/c AND music (my used car didnt have either!). So, it's gonna be a long drive but I may stop in L.A. for a night and chill out, maybe go over to The Bike.

Anyways, Levy's coming into town for a few days this week, hopefully I'll be back from cali. It's gonna be sick, cause it's his buddy's 21st bday and shits gonna be real hectic. Also, havent seen him in a long minute, so it's definitely gonna be a good time.

Gotta pack, pz.


So, I joined this ridiculous facebook-like website. It's fuckin hilarious.

I think I can sum the whole website up in one quote that I found at the top of some girl's profile:
"Boom, I fucked your boyfriend!"

Monday, September 26, 2005

My First 10 Days in Las Vegas

This is a an old post from another website that I don't use anymore, so I've decided to post it here. It describes my first week or so in Las Vegas, from late May into early June '05.

....My name is Max and I am a professional poker player. I grew up mostly in the Boston area and went to Umass Amherst on and off for 3 years. After one year at Umass I had to get away and so I went to California to "find myself." After two months there I was a little bored myself, so I decided to head into Mexico.....well now, thats a whole other story which I will not get into here. I spent two months there and then headed back to Boston and back to Umass, where I continued my "education" for another two semesters. This past winter, the night before I was leaving for my 5th semester at Umass, I found out that they had kicked me out for a semester because of my grades in the fall. Holy fuck! What now? Well, I got a job as a cook in Needham and started to play online poker almost religiously. From about late March into early May, I made a lot of final tables in a bunch of tournaments and took 1st place in 3 of them. As the wins kept piling up, I knew my job at the restaurant was on its last leg. Then my grandmother died and when I got back from the funeral I gave my two week notice at work. My last day of work was about May 7th, and looking at my bank account, which was hovering between 6k-12k, and my 21st birthday on the 22nd of May, I decided it was time to move to Vegas and try and take over the poker world, or at least delve inside that world and to see what came of it all.On May 23rd I got on a plane headed to Las Vegas. On the flight I sat wide awake for 6 hours just staring out the window, thinking of what my life would bring in Vegas. Passing over the Rocky Mountains and the flat terrain of the middle of the country I thought to myself, "What the fuck am I doing???"I got into Vegas, went to my room at Binion's downtown, showered and relaxed for a while. I then decided to check out the poker room and ended up making about $350 at the 1-2NL tables. Good start, no?The next day I ventured out into the sweltering heat of Vegas in the summer and headed for The Mirage. My father is friends with one of the people that runs the poker room and so I went and introduced myself, then I went and sat 1-2NL and bought in for $200. 12 hours later my stack had grown to about $1,500. The table switched over to a 2-5NL game and the action got a lot faster and more intense.40 hours later, still sitting at the same table, my stack, which had grown so big that I could barely see over it, I had turned $200 into $5,700. Talk about a good start in Vegas.Over those 40 hours I met some amazing people and I still see and chill with a lot of them now in and around las vegas. The night after my 40 hour session, and just after I had slept for 14 hours straight, I headed over to the Bellagio. When I got there, I found out that the 2-5NL game was a $200max. so I ventured over to the other desk that is in charge of bigger games and was told there was a seat at the 10-20NL table. Now, for those of you who do not know, 10-20NL is one of the highest of no limit cash games. The only cardrooms in Vegas that really have 10-20NL are Bellagio, Wynn, and I think the Palms sometimes has one. It is a very intense and extremely tough limit to play at.So, I bought in for 1k and in 4 hours of play I left with $7,000 in my pocket. Holy fuck! 6k to the good at the Mirage and another 6k at the Bellagio! Insane, amazing, unbelievable; I could barely fathom all this money that was now mine. AMAZING!!!!!So, in under 100 hours I had gone from 1-2NL to 10-20NL. My bankroll had grown from 6k to all of a sudden 18k?!?!?!?!?! I was lovin' it! I mean, this is what I came here to do. I said it before flying out to Vegas: I was coming here to do one of two things.....explode or go bust. I was exploding!


So, I leave the Bellagio up 6 grand...fucking unbelievable. I mean, its just money, and thats just it; its not entirely about the money, although the money is amazing....its the fact that I sat down at one of the highest No Limit Holdem games in Las Vegas and raped it. Mind you, that was about my 4th time ever playing poker in an actual casino.Anyways, I'm up a shitload of money and lovin' it. I get a new room at the 4Queens, which is also downtown. Pass out for what felt like an entire day. I go back out the next day, chill out with a buddy of mine, Justin, and go play some more at the Bellagio. I play a long session (maybe 10 hours) and end up dead even; in for 5k but break dead even. Then, the 10-20nl game breaks and the only NL game available is the 25-50NL. Fucking hectic stakes. Even the Bellagio rarely has a no limit game this high. I jump in for $5,000 and whatdoyaknow im bust within 2 hours. FunFun!.....I'm steaming, and I have a quick chat with my pops and then I hear about a 10-20NL game at the Wynn, so I roll. I sit down with some crazy heads with REAL money. On the first hand of the table, three guys push allin for about 2k a piece. The winner flops a flush with 6 4 and cracks a guy with kk and 55. I'm laughing my balls off. I'm only in for a grand and these savage are tossing around dimes like they're pennies. Well, I cant remember everything that happened that night, but what I do know is that after about 8 hours of playing I am up $10,000. Yup, thats right, i have turned a profit of 10 thousand dollars in an 8 hour period, completely wiping out the 5k I had lost earlier and sending me home with a fat wallet.Now im busting! C-notes as far as the eye can see. Shit is real!I sleep like a baby and the next day I roll back to the Wynn feeling like a million bucks, literally. I put in a 30 hour session this time and at one point in the session im actually up about 15k! I later went on to drop about 6k back to the table, but I still left the Wynn up about 9k. Can I really complain? During this session I actually played in a $17,500 pot, and won it....

Friday, September 23, 2005

More Positives

So, in addition to that 2k I won last night, I chopped up a PotLimit Omaha Hi/Lo tournament on PokerStars today for 1k. Not too much money, but yes indeed the rebuilding of the BR has really started to pick up....

My Dad finalized the deal to publish one of his 3 books on the black panthers. It'll be coming out within the next 12 months. I'm psyched for him. Congrats Dad.

It's been a long day, g'nite...


"Comin' up I was confused, my momma kissin' a girl...." -50 Cent

Won 2k in the 15-30LHE game at the bellagio last night. Fuckin'A, maybe things are looking up. Gotta get that bankroll back on track.

OH YA, my car is coming into SanDiego next week, amazing!, its the TC. So, i'll be going out there to pick it up and maybe chill in LA for a day or two.

Met a good friend of Scott Fischman's the other day, dude's a beast.
Saw Phil Ivey at the Bellagio last night, he's a goddamn beast.

My buddy Amos won a 24k pot the other day in the Bellagio 10-20NL game, congrats to him.

Aight, I gotta get going.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Times They Are A-Changin'.....

So, a few updates:

#1: Jake left---very extrenuating circumstances, but he'll be back, ya, he'll be back

#2: Stopped playing 10-20NL, my bankroll is shit....I basically have horrible money management and didnt play cards seriously for about 1-2 months and just spent too much of my money; fell out of my groove....I've moved over to the 2-5NL and 15-30 limit games, which, sadly, are going just as poorly as the 10-20NL, although the losses are easier to is only money, but it is a nessecity, especially in this business. I am dangerously close to the felt but hopefully things will be looking up soon. Can someone say 40 hour work weeks coming soon??? Oh fuck.

#3: Sarah, a good friend from UMASS, said that she is going to move in with me within the next couple months---that would be amazing....

#4: Trying to sell my car; my new one should be arriving into SanDiego within the next month

#5: Playing a lot more poker, lower limits obviously, and trying to hit the gym 5 days a week.

#6: Learning, thinking, and improving life one step at a time-----Vegas is a very tough place to be legitimate (maybe Sasha (squanto) will be the only one to actually understand this statement)).

#7: Like Big Pun said, "I just lost a 100 pounds, I'm tryina live."

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Los Amigos Son Familia

Well, its been a while since ive spit any kind of knowledge on this thing.

It's been a pretty fuckin' wild few weeks. Lotta shit going on, well for me at least.

I was in Boston with friends and family a couple weeks ago. It was an awesome trip. Got to see everyone back home and rageitup cause every fuckin' cat in the bean is now 21, which is sick. Basically chilled all day and partied every night i was home. It was a blast for sure. Hadn't drank that heavily since umass. Anyways, it was a great time seeing everyone back in the bean, although i was pissed that powers and wegs were on their own little roadtrip, but, whamado.

So, I flew back to Vegas around the 23rd of August. Got back, had a few days to myself to get everything back in order and whatnot. Tried to play a little cards......well, that didnt go so well; dropped a buyin at the 10-20nl at the Bellagio (but again, whamado). Deadass, I pour my fuckin' heart into a lot of these big games, and when I lose, it is straight crushing sometimes. Obviously when I dominate and win some dough, the feeling is completely reversed, but as of late, my luck/play/cards have been pretty nil at best.

So, Josh and his girl Margot flew in and I scooped them at the airport a few days after I got back into Vegas. We hung out for a few nights, boozed, chilled around town, chopped with his brother+his wife. Definitely a good time, hadnt seen my nigga josh in a few months; good to catch up and shit. Then Jake flew in from Denver a few days later (him not arriving with his car and without ruslan is another long ass story). And the same day, Brooksy and his girl, Lindsay, flew in from Boston on their way to Hawaii, but staying at my spot in vegas until their 48 layover was up. So we all went out that night, got shitty, the usual good times. Jake yuked and passed out, which would happen again the next night for that little beast. So, me, jake, brooks, and lindsay hung out for the next day or so and then they headed on to Hawaii, leaving me and jake in vegas dolo (margot went home, vegas went to cali). Then, on top of all these heads being here, an old friend of Jakes from Brookline, Julia, and some of her friends, were here for a few days staying at the Mirage. So, obviously more raging ensued with these chicks, went to some bars, a cool fuckin' club called Tabu in the MGM, and got real fucked up for a few more days.

Well, everything has calmed down significantly over the past couple days. It's now just me and Chuck in Vegas, who was/is currently getting a job. Its been a struggle for the kid but hes about to cop some waiter job or some shit. Aaaaaand, well, my father flew in from Boston on Sunday, so I've been chilling with him the past couple days, which is real amazing cause I wont see him probably until thanksgiving.

As you can see, its been a whirlwind of people and places and heckticity the past few weeks, but things are finally settling down, me and jake are chillin', im getting back to the Wynn cardroom where it still feels like home (the Bellagio is still raping me, financially that is, so I figure on taking a long break from there). Gotta rebuild my bankroll, which is sliding downwardly way too fast, but im not worried. Hey, I built it up like a motherfucker before, just gotta do it up again. Heart and balls motherfuckers, and maybe a little strategery.

P.S.---Me and chuck are probably moving to SanDiego around Nov. 1st, if everything goes as planned

P.P.S.---My folks are buying me a car (how this came to be is another long story, but lets just say that on top of everything else my current vehicle is an absolute shitbox), it should be ready for me to scoop within the next month.....its a Scion Tc, ya ya i know what ur thinking but ur wrong, its a sick car, check it out

P.P.P.S.---There aint much depth to this whole fuckin' blog thing as of yet. To tell you the truth im not really sure why im writing this shit, because as many of you know I already do a lot of writing myself, alot of which I probably wouldnt share on a website, but I hope to actually begin taking this blog more seriously and actually write some entries of real meaning......well, coming soon i guess


Monday, August 15, 2005

Greener pastures motherfuckers, at least for a minute

So, I recently bought a car, albeit used. It was a terrible purchase by me but what the fuck do I know about cars. It's basically great on the outside, shitty on the inside, which is a horrendous trade-off. But anyways, I've been dealing with it the past few weeks and putting too much extra money into it. I went to California two weeks ago with the intent of driving up and down the coast, visiting some friends and checkin' out the sights and whatnot. Well, my car essentially broke down daily and so my trip was shortened and I didnt even make it past Santa Barbara, although I did make it to LosAngeles and chilled in SD for a while, so that was fun. Got back to Vegas two days ago; cant believe the shitbox made it back. Fuckin' miracle.

Anyways, I havent really been playing too much poker. Very seldom over the past month have I played live although I've been hitting up the online scene here and there.

I'm psyched to get back home to Boston for a week to chill with the fam and all the folks back in the Bean. It's gonna be a sick trip for sure.

After I get back from Boston, Jake and Russy are rollin' thru, actually DRIVING thru, which is pretty beastly. I think Jake's gonna chill for a while, maybe even for the long haul. Brooksy and his girl are also stopping thru and my father's coming in early Sept., so it's gonna be a hectic few weeks. Hopefully I'll get back to Vegas, rage with these kids and rebuild my slowly depleting bankroll.

My flight actually leaves in about 2 hours, so I gotta roll.

Check ya later, check ya later.


Saturday, August 13, 2005

Back In Vegas

Just got back from my 10 day trip to California. It was, well, I guess you'd say it was "interesting." I'll update more about the trip and other shit thats been going on in the next few days.

I'm actually leaving Vegas again on Monday. A little one week trip to the bean; it's been almost 3 months since I've been home, damn.

August is turning out to be a busy fuckin' month.

More on everything later on.

until then, MAX

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


So, just got back from The Orleans. Played in one of their tourament events, a $200 plus one rebuy NoLimitHoldem. Put $400 into the event. Got sucked out on in the 3rd hour of play when my AK lost to some clown's KQ. Well, thats the way it goes in this game. Better to be lucky than good.....

Been making some good money playing online so I bought myself a new computer (my laptop is 3 years old) and two brand new, 21", flat panel monitors. Fuckin' sick. Plus I'm looking at buying a car. Not anything too expensive, maybe spend a few grand. Just something to get me around for a year or two. What I really wanna do is drive thru California and then cross the country and wind up in Boston. The ill cross country drive.

Talked to Jake today; he might be joining me on my fuckin' nomadic poker/life/bullshit journey come early September.

So, shit's been running pretty well.

I miss Boston, hopefully I'll be visiting there soon enough.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Had two losing session earlier at the Bellagio 10-20NL game and then I headed over to the Wynn, where I played 5-10 for about 8 hours and also lost. Eh, thats the way it goes. But it wasnt all bad, a couple buddies of mine were over playing at the Wynn, so although I lost money, I still had a good time, which is sometimes impossible to attain when ur losing.....In what other profession can you go to work for almost 12 hours and lose money????

Also stopped by the Rio in the afternoon and it was a fucking zoo. The spectators around the remaining tables were 5-10 rows deep in some spots. Poker is a spectator sport now; insane.

Actually, a pretty cool thing happened today: I got a call from a woman at the World Series of Poker asking me if I would do an interview with a reporter from the Boston Globe. Sounds like a pretty cool deal--- be in one of the local papers back home talking about my poker playing. But then by accident I erased the message along with the reporter's phone number. So, hopefully I'll find a way to get in touch with this guy and do the interview. That'd be sweet for sure.

Anyways, catching a little sleep before gettin' back on the grind tomorrow.


Sunday, July 10, 2005


Just busted outta pokerstars big sunday tournament. I got pretty deep, 450 left out of 3000, but my top pair was no match for a turned set and like Sklansky says about tournament poker: "You're broke; you're done."

So that's that; gonna catch up on a little sleep and then head over to the Bellagio, hopefully to rape some 10-20NL.

Sunday Blues

Been over at the Rio the past couple days checking out the 3 seperate heats of "Day 1" of the main event.....fuckin' mayhem!

Gonna take it easy today, tho, play some of the big tournies online, chill out, watch some tv, and get myself prepared for the ongoing weekly grind. aight folks, gotta get those tables goin. lata

Too much to say

So, if you're reading this, you probably know that im in las vegas, living, at least for the next couple months as a professional poker player. I've been in vegas since May 24th, two days after my 21st birthday. Just moved into an apartment about a month ago, amazing. So, this page is just gonna be a little insight into me and my new life in las vegas. Shit's poppin off, where were u?

"I would play days and nights on end, never go home, and kill the game." --John Phan


This is my life....