Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Oh Chea

Back at work. The long weekend was great. Lyn, me, and my Dad hung out daily. We grubbed at one of the best retaurant/lounges in Las Vegas. It's called Sedona. Amazing. We also played some 4-8 LHE at the Wynn. It was a good time. Been a while since I've been around that cardroom on a frequent basis. It's nice to see some old friendly faces, and chat with some folks I haven't seen in forever. I'm gonna start playing live a little bit here and there after work and weekends. Hopefully I can quit this job soon and start doing what I wanna do. 40-hours of meaningless work a week is killllllllllllllllllllling me!

Word On My Mind: Inconsistent

Theo's in L.A. right now. Hopefully he's taking down events left and right at the Commerce. Good luck bro!

Carolyn and I have a wedding to go to on Saturday. One of her cousin's is getting married. Hopefully they'll have an open bar. What good are weddings without a bunch of random people getting fucked up?

Sunday is poker night at Zak's. Another excuse to get fucked up.

All, pz.


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