Thursday, August 10, 2006

Been back in LV for a few weeks now. It's great to be back and to be laying low. Basically, I am just working and hanging out with Carolyn. My brother came back from Paris with me. He stayed in LV for almost a week. Lyn's friend Beth was also here when we got back into town. It was great but very very very crowded in my apartment. All four of us sleeping in one small apartment; it was nuts! So my brother and Beth both left a couple weeks ago. Since then it's just been me and Lyn. She just got a new job as an office manager for a Sears sister company. Pretty sick for entry level. She'll be making some good money as well. I'm still working for QuikDrop (GAY!) and playing a little online poker on the side. I really need to find a secondary source of income, because working 40 hours a week and making what I make ain't gonna cut it for long. Hopefully I can get something going with poker; we'll see.....


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