Thursday, March 09, 2006

We Call This Life

Dad left last night. We had a blast! If only he could learn how to play aces.... ;) I also did KILL him in scrabble, yet again, although he's learning to take my domination well.

Spent all day today doing absolutely nothing, and it was amazing! Although, I did get up off my fatass and hit the gym.

Played some poker friend Lyn is staking me in a bunch of tournaments online, so hopefully I can eek out a win sooner rather than later.

Watched Garden State yet again last night. That movie is so fucking incredible. Zach Braff is a genius!

Nothing else really going on in the near future here in LV although I've decided to take up my father's challange: I'm gonna put in a bunch of sessions in the low limit cash games around town and see what my hourly rate will be and how profitable those games can be. They're so soft and actually fun to play, rather than the NL games which can be extremely stressful. We'll see how it goes.

Anyways, I'm off.

Peace, love, and happiness,



Blogger greendroppings said...

good luck maxwell. I have faith in you, just keep your head on straight. And give me a call.

1:55 AM  

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