Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Los Amigos Son Familia

Well, its been a while since ive spit any kind of knowledge on this thing.

It's been a pretty fuckin' wild few weeks. Lotta shit going on, well for me at least.

I was in Boston with friends and family a couple weeks ago. It was an awesome trip. Got to see everyone back home and rageitup cause every fuckin' cat in the bean is now 21, which is sick. Basically chilled all day and partied every night i was home. It was a blast for sure. Hadn't drank that heavily since umass. Anyways, it was a great time seeing everyone back in the bean, although i was pissed that powers and wegs were on their own little roadtrip, but, whamado.

So, I flew back to Vegas around the 23rd of August. Got back, had a few days to myself to get everything back in order and whatnot. Tried to play a little cards......well, that didnt go so well; dropped a buyin at the 10-20nl at the Bellagio (but again, whamado). Deadass, I pour my fuckin' heart into a lot of these big games, and when I lose, it is straight crushing sometimes. Obviously when I dominate and win some dough, the feeling is completely reversed, but as of late, my luck/play/cards have been pretty nil at best.

So, Josh and his girl Margot flew in and I scooped them at the airport a few days after I got back into Vegas. We hung out for a few nights, boozed, chilled around town, chopped with his brother+his wife. Definitely a good time, hadnt seen my nigga josh in a few months; good to catch up and shit. Then Jake flew in from Denver a few days later (him not arriving with his car and without ruslan is another long ass story). And the same day, Brooksy and his girl, Lindsay, flew in from Boston on their way to Hawaii, but staying at my spot in vegas until their 48 layover was up. So we all went out that night, got shitty, the usual good times. Jake yuked and passed out, which would happen again the next night for that little beast. So, me, jake, brooks, and lindsay hung out for the next day or so and then they headed on to Hawaii, leaving me and jake in vegas dolo (margot went home, vegas went to cali). Then, on top of all these heads being here, an old friend of Jakes from Brookline, Julia, and some of her friends, were here for a few days staying at the Mirage. So, obviously more raging ensued with these chicks, went to some bars, a cool fuckin' club called Tabu in the MGM, and got real fucked up for a few more days.

Well, everything has calmed down significantly over the past couple days. It's now just me and Chuck in Vegas, who was/is currently getting a job. Its been a struggle for the kid but hes about to cop some waiter job or some shit. Aaaaaand, well, my father flew in from Boston on Sunday, so I've been chilling with him the past couple days, which is real amazing cause I wont see him probably until thanksgiving.

As you can see, its been a whirlwind of people and places and heckticity the past few weeks, but things are finally settling down, me and jake are chillin', im getting back to the Wynn cardroom where it still feels like home (the Bellagio is still raping me, financially that is, so I figure on taking a long break from there). Gotta rebuild my bankroll, which is sliding downwardly way too fast, but im not worried. Hey, I built it up like a motherfucker before, just gotta do it up again. Heart and balls motherfuckers, and maybe a little strategery.

P.S.---Me and chuck are probably moving to SanDiego around Nov. 1st, if everything goes as planned

P.P.S.---My folks are buying me a car (how this came to be is another long story, but lets just say that on top of everything else my current vehicle is an absolute shitbox), it should be ready for me to scoop within the next month.....its a Scion Tc, ya ya i know what ur thinking but ur wrong, its a sick car, check it out www.scion.com

P.P.P.S.---There aint much depth to this whole fuckin' blog thing as of yet. To tell you the truth im not really sure why im writing this shit, because as many of you know I already do a lot of writing myself, alot of which I probably wouldnt share on a website, but I hope to actually begin taking this blog more seriously and actually write some entries of real meaning......well, coming soon i guess



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