Monday, August 28, 2006

It Was The Weeeeeeeeeeeekend

Saturday I played poker online. I had qualified for a few tournaments on PokerStars that were happening Saturday afternoon, so in the morning I tried some other satellites on other sites. I ended up really only played two or three satellites and qualified for the Full Tilt 50k Guar. tournament. So I busted in the two Stars tournies relatively early. Both busts came from blind confrontations (my top pair vs. his set and my pp vs. his ace high). In the Full Tilt tournament I got my money in with AA vs. 33 and actually flopped top set, but, as has been my world (in poker) lately, he flushed out on 5th street. gg. It wasn't a good day, but I had my girl with me and my cats; win or lose, it's still good to be alive.

Saturday night was better. Carolyn and I went out to a drive-in movie theater; actually the only one in vegas. It was cool. We saw "Accepted" and watched a part of a Hilary Duff movie. It was hilariously horrible. I really can't believe a fuckin' movie studio produced that shit. Straight hilarity. By the way, I think we parked our car next to a broken sewer pipe. That was a good time.

Food On My Mind: Granny B's (ya'll betta recognize, plz)

So yeah, Saturday night was great, otherthan sitting in piss, I was with my girl; nuff said. Sunday we went over to Ethel M factory. If you don't know about this candy company, you need to find out. Their vanilla buttercreams will make you cum. Straight up.

We hung around the factory for a minute then went into Henderson and basically just cruised around, looking to stop at Green Valley Ranch, but to no avail.

The sun was hot. It's Vegas. It's always hot. But it's good to be in love, it sure is good to be in love....


p.s.-Entourage was kind of amazing, but too bad Lucky Louie is done for the season; fuckin' hilarity.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

One Day At A Time

Had a relaxing weekend.

Saw my good friend Justin on Thursday. We're gonna take over the world.

Carolyn got a new job and so has a more steady schedule. Most days we have the same hours, which is pretty amazing.

Played some satellites this weekend to the Sunday majors online. Didnt play too many sats and got raped in a bunch, but did qualify for the 150k guar. on Paradise. Played the type of game I used to play when I was killin' it, which is totally LAG (loose aggressive). I have to get back to my roots. I feel that this style suits me more. It definitely produces a lot of bad finishes, although when you get deep in tournies with this style it really helps you to capitalize on your big wins. Needless to say, I busted midway through the second hour. It's really been a while since I played a major so I wasn't too dissappointed in my play, although I definitely should have picked some better spots. Either way.....

Work has been a pain in the ass lately. There is all this drama going on. There is too much to put into this entry right now, but let's just say that some of the people here are playing all sorts of weird angles and trying to up the tension in our workplace. It's strange, maybe some people have a little too much time on their hands.

I've been trying to write more lately (LV seems to suck the creativity out of me), so maybe I'll start posting some of my writings (i.e. short essays, poetry, and streams) on here in the near future. The more I put life into words, the more I enjoy it all. It seems to give me perspective just to get it out onto paper and off my chest.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Schaaaaaaaaaaaaarffffff Doooooooooood

Monday, August 14, 2006

I Need Mo

Pretty relaxing weekend.......Spent Saturday with Carolyn just chillin. In the evening we went to meet up with Zak and his girl, and Jerry at this bar over on Blue Diamond. Just hung out there playing pool and drinking. It was a good time. I gotta start playing more pool, although I do KILL it when my game's on.

Today (Sun.) Care and I hung around until around 5pm when I met up with Theo and went over to the Orleans to see "World Trade Center." It was fuckin hectic. Man, what a depressing movie. Very emotional. So, after seeing that, my night was basically shot. I went home and grubbed some dinner, chilled with Lyn, and then played some small stakes Omaha Hi/Lo on PokerStars.

Tomorrow is work, AGAIN! Muthafuckasssss!


Friday, August 11, 2006

Around My Wrap Mind

It's wavy noon on sunday hair
Caress of mud when I touch the earth
You there with me when I'm here
Feeling words with nothing life
Gone hills over away
Return again thus to me again
With heart in rust
Heated ice of tangible love

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Been back in LV for a few weeks now. It's great to be back and to be laying low. Basically, I am just working and hanging out with Carolyn. My brother came back from Paris with me. He stayed in LV for almost a week. Lyn's friend Beth was also here when we got back into town. It was great but very very very crowded in my apartment. All four of us sleeping in one small apartment; it was nuts! So my brother and Beth both left a couple weeks ago. Since then it's just been me and Lyn. She just got a new job as an office manager for a Sears sister company. Pretty sick for entry level. She'll be making some good money as well. I'm still working for QuikDrop (GAY!) and playing a little online poker on the side. I really need to find a secondary source of income, because working 40 hours a week and making what I make ain't gonna cut it for long. Hopefully I can get something going with poker; we'll see.....

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ramblings From August (GET ME OUTTA HERE)

You must take the good with the bad. Life is all about choices. Decisions that bring you to where you are today. They are of the upmost importance. Life changing decisions mean the world to the world, even without the world. You can't rely on the sentimental part of things and avoid the unexplained phenomenons of this life. So you now go where you go before you went. Thinking and feeling and not kn0wing when you will get there. It's all about timing. Am I making the right decision at the right time? Could you really even begin to comprehend the magnitude of what you are doing or saying or thinking or the actions that you are currently involved in. Must you make this path and go out the otherside. Without knowing you or me or the world around us; it is impossible to readjust to what I not know.