Friday, September 29, 2006

I've been playing in a few tournaments on PokerStars the past couple nights. It feels good to be back and playing. My results haven't been good whatsoever (tiny sample size >10) but I'm really playing great poker. As long as my girlfriend lets me play (cough, cough) and I put in a good number of hours online in the coming weeks, a big score is surely around the corner. Cheers!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Saturday's Are For Nascar

We drive an hour and a half out into the sticks of Las Vegas. It's bumper to bumper. A plane flies overhead. Oh wait, it's not a plane, its a motherfuckin' fighter jet. The stadium is right next to the largest airforce base in Nevada. It's nice out today; having been 115 degrees for the last 3 months, an 85 degree temperature tends to feel cool. We eventually make it into the parking lot and cruise in as some old man with a flashy-life-preserver-looking-thing around his torso escorts us to the appropriate place to park. They run a tight ship at Nascar races. Then there is the long wait for the tram into the stadium. It's me, Carolyn, and about a hundred and fifty drunkards rockin' Miller Lite cut-offs. I politely try and not make eye contact with any of these mongrels, less they find out that I am indeed not a racing fan and oh so very Jewish.

The stadium entrance is packed. We make it inside. Finding our seat is not too much of a hassle. Let's be realistic, we are at a Nascar race. There are throngs of people everywhere toting big, brash jackets, hats, shirts, bags, pants, shoes; all of which either promote a beer company or some random hick that drives fast for a living, or both.

It smells like rotten urine and sweet, old beer. I wallow in it. Breath it in. Could I do any less? This is my first race. I am now officially a fan.

Oh yeah that's right, by the way, the race was cool.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Monday, September 18, 2006

Films Come And Go

I actually liked watching "The Black Dahlia;" it was a good movie. And although it was less gruesome than I thought going in, what really freaked me out was the movie's use of clowns. I really don't think it was relavent to have those circus freaks as an intregal part of the story.

Author On My Mind: Capote

The mother's face, turned upwards into a clown-like pose has made my bones shiver over the past couple nights. For some reason, that image of her has been haunting me. Let that be a lesson to all you fuckers out there. If you are not one for the circus, avoid this movie.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Yesterday I talked about religion
Drown me in silver pools of speech
Yesterday I walked a thousand miles
Give me the strength of breath
Yesterday I challanged the life I know
Forget my shortcomings
Yesterday I failed you
Allow me to be loved
Today I became what I've always wanted
Let that be true


This past week has been somewhat uneventful.

Saturday was the wedding. It was a good time. There weren't maybe people under 35 there so it was pretty much lowkey. Vegas weddings are pretty much hilarious. The food was good. We looked hot (black sleek attire, obv). It was fun.

Sunday we just relaxed. It's been a hectic couple months. Any day off is a good thing.

Work's been pretty close to horrendous all week. People are quitting, management is shit. I think the business is collapsing. Eh, whatever. I really don't mind getting another job. It's just a pain in the ass looking. Plus I wanna take some classes at the local college around here so I can get back into that whole school thing. I've finished about 2 full years, so I'd only have 2 years of credit left to finish. I'd like to have my degree within the next couple years. We'll see.

T.V. Show On My Mind: Racialist (Obv Ali G Reference) Survivor

We've been figuring out plans for the holidays. I think Lyn and I are coming to Boston for Xmas. Thanksgiving is still slightly up for grabs, although I think we're gonna be in Spokane for that holiday. I'll know more concretely in the coming weeks.

Work in 9 hours. Pz.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Sick @ Work

How do people spend 8 hours a day for their entire lives doing something they do not like? Is this possible? Is it probable? Can this really be true? Could my grandfather be right? Is it true I will need to have a job for the rest of my life?

Sound On My Mind: Packing Bubbles

Can't I write, eat, have sex, and play poker forever? Is this possible? Is it probable?

What am I doing here? What am i living for? Where is this all going?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Oh Chea

Back at work. The long weekend was great. Lyn, me, and my Dad hung out daily. We grubbed at one of the best retaurant/lounges in Las Vegas. It's called Sedona. Amazing. We also played some 4-8 LHE at the Wynn. It was a good time. Been a while since I've been around that cardroom on a frequent basis. It's nice to see some old friendly faces, and chat with some folks I haven't seen in forever. I'm gonna start playing live a little bit here and there after work and weekends. Hopefully I can quit this job soon and start doing what I wanna do. 40-hours of meaningless work a week is killllllllllllllllllllling me!

Word On My Mind: Inconsistent

Theo's in L.A. right now. Hopefully he's taking down events left and right at the Commerce. Good luck bro!

Carolyn and I have a wedding to go to on Saturday. One of her cousin's is getting married. Hopefully they'll have an open bar. What good are weddings without a bunch of random people getting fucked up?

Sunday is poker night at Zak's. Another excuse to get fucked up.

All, pz.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Saturday's Saturation

Where art thou soft, impeccable world?

This is in my mind.

Your world, where it converges into my world.
To make due and make time due for you.

What time is never?

Without sufficient worth,
In this world, in yours,
Without which I cannot express.

My dying woes that die in my world,
And die in yours.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Yes Yes Yes It's The Weeeeekend AGAIN - WOOmotherfuckinHOO

My father's been in town all week. It's been a great time. It's always a great time when he's in town. Me, him, and Carolyn have been hanging out. A lot of drinks, a lot of food, a lot of good times.

Labor day weekend about to pop off. It's gonna be somewhat slow. Care's got work tomorrow and Monday, so I'll just be chillin' out, probably with my pops for most of the time.

Song On My Mind: "Baby, I'm a Big Star Now" by The Counting Crows

Tonight we're going to Marrakech, which is this Morroccan restaurant right near us. We have a 7:30 reservation. Tomorrow we're all gonna go over to the Wynn or Mirage or something and fuck around with some 3-6LHE. Drink some booze, play some pokah, it'll be a blast. Then Sunday we're gonna hit the pool at the Wynn. Tough to have the regular Labor Day weekend here in Vegas. It's 110 fuckin' degrees outside! Shit man, no BBQs. In any case, I'm looking forward to three days off work and being able to hang out with my Dad and with Lyn. Can't wait.

Work's about to blast off. I gotta roll. You stay real. You know I will.

Happy Fucking Holidays.