Wednesday, March 22, 2006

No Compromises - Part I

Car keys, check, wallet, check, 27s, check, soul, check. Crossing the walkway into the Las Vegas airport I look up to see a looming 100 foot billboard of Jerry Seinfeld. Oh Vegas. I spot Jared, sporting an Abercrombie hoodie and jeans that seem to be worn, but no, they're not worn; that's the new style, and he bought them like that. He stands, leaning against a slot machine. We greet, we find his carousel, we grab his bags, we stroll thru the cluttered baggage claim into the night air. Crossing the street we roll into the parking lot. My black, shining, car is parked all the way at the back so we have a little ways to go: we talk about life back home in Boston. I miss the good ole days. We spin wheels and hit the pavement. Back at my place, with the strip's many towers looming over my apartment complex, we drop his bags off and decide to grab some food.

It's the Peppermill, a 24-hour diner just past the Wynn, on the strip. From the outside it resembles a strip club, with it's flourescent lights and sleek look, but in actuality it's just an ordinary diner, with maybe just a little extra pizaz. The food's terrible but the conversation is great. We reminisce. It's great. It's good vibrations. It's life.

Waking up, stepping outside, the morning air still brisk in March. It's a beautiful day. I step back inside, Jared stirs. We shower, dress, and head over to play some poker at the MGM. It's Saturday and it's packed. Beautiful girls everywhere, as well as grandmothers and babies in carriages; you gotta love Las Vegas. A friend of ours, Mike, shows up from L.A. and we go grab a drink. At the bar we toast to good times and future excursions. We all sip from our Sierra Nevada's, I'm thirsty, it defintiely hits the spot, and I'm with good people, life is good.

It's too strange to even begin to comprehend how and why things happen to us and why we make certain decisions when we do. A year ago Vegas was a dream. Reality really has a way of catching up with you.....

Thursday, March 09, 2006

We Call This Life

Dad left last night. We had a blast! If only he could learn how to play aces.... ;) I also did KILL him in scrabble, yet again, although he's learning to take my domination well.

Spent all day today doing absolutely nothing, and it was amazing! Although, I did get up off my fatass and hit the gym.

Played some poker friend Lyn is staking me in a bunch of tournaments online, so hopefully I can eek out a win sooner rather than later.

Watched Garden State yet again last night. That movie is so fucking incredible. Zach Braff is a genius!

Nothing else really going on in the near future here in LV although I've decided to take up my father's challange: I'm gonna put in a bunch of sessions in the low limit cash games around town and see what my hourly rate will be and how profitable those games can be. They're so soft and actually fun to play, rather than the NL games which can be extremely stressful. We'll see how it goes.

Anyways, I'm off.

Peace, love, and happiness,


Monday, March 06, 2006

Existence is wasted,
On invisible relationships,
Of the Heart and Mind,
With nowhere to go but home,
Even Forfeiting,
And Liberty,
As we know it,
In our own souls.

Friday, March 03, 2006

You can call this a fad
if you want and try to calculate its shelf life.
But to me,
to all the people I know,
this is life.

-Scott Fischman

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Baby I'm a Big Star Now

Been a pretty quiet week. Essentially taking a long ass break from playing online. I've been hitting up the Wynn daily, although I'm running so fucking bad and my money situation has taken a turn for the worst. I'm right on that cusp of having to get a job. A job, yes, yes, a fuckin' job. It's saddens me to think that I may actually have to work for a living..haha..oh well. Also reevaluating a lot of my shit. Thinking more long term and maybe considering going back to school and finishing up my degree. Eh, I dont know if I really wanna do that right now, but its defintiely concieveable in the semi-near future.

Actually havent been to sleep yet. Played 6 hours at the Wynn last night/early morning. My buddy, Brad, who's basically living at the Wynn (has a room there for weeks on end), staked me in the 2-5NL game. I rarely, if ever, have been staked in a cash game, but seeing as how I can't win anymore with my own money, I might as well try someone else's. Well, it was a good night, surprisingly. I bought in for $500 (Brad's $) and was just about even for two hours, then a big hand happened where I sucked out like a champ. I got most of my money in preflop with KK and this other dude obv woke up with AA (thats how fuckin good im running right now!!!). Well, long story short, I spiked a king on the river for a $700 pot. That brought me up to about $900 in my stack. I played for a few hours more and just picked up small pots here and there, ending the night with $1100 in chips, $600 profit. Since Brad staked me, I gave him the buyin back plus half the winnings, so I actually only wound up making $300. A few months ago, or even a few weeks ago, $300 wouldnt have mattered at all either way, but I've just been on such a bad streak that it was real sweet to just pick up a little dough. I went the whole month of February winning only one session. That's how bad it's been. So, it was nice to get a little confidence back and get out of this rut that ive been in. Hopefully I'll continue this little rush over the next month or so and put together some meaningful scratch. Fingers crossed.

My Dad's coming tomorrow, staying at the Wynn. I'm really looking forward to it. He comes to Vegas a few times a year and we always have a great fuckin' time. It's awesome having him here, especially because he actually stays at my homecourt! It's gonna be a fun week.

Alright, nuff said; i've been up for almost 24 hours, time to hit the sack. Late.