Monday, August 15, 2005

Greener pastures motherfuckers, at least for a minute

So, I recently bought a car, albeit used. It was a terrible purchase by me but what the fuck do I know about cars. It's basically great on the outside, shitty on the inside, which is a horrendous trade-off. But anyways, I've been dealing with it the past few weeks and putting too much extra money into it. I went to California two weeks ago with the intent of driving up and down the coast, visiting some friends and checkin' out the sights and whatnot. Well, my car essentially broke down daily and so my trip was shortened and I didnt even make it past Santa Barbara, although I did make it to LosAngeles and chilled in SD for a while, so that was fun. Got back to Vegas two days ago; cant believe the shitbox made it back. Fuckin' miracle.

Anyways, I havent really been playing too much poker. Very seldom over the past month have I played live although I've been hitting up the online scene here and there.

I'm psyched to get back home to Boston for a week to chill with the fam and all the folks back in the Bean. It's gonna be a sick trip for sure.

After I get back from Boston, Jake and Russy are rollin' thru, actually DRIVING thru, which is pretty beastly. I think Jake's gonna chill for a while, maybe even for the long haul. Brooksy and his girl are also stopping thru and my father's coming in early Sept., so it's gonna be a hectic few weeks. Hopefully I'll get back to Vegas, rage with these kids and rebuild my slowly depleting bankroll.

My flight actually leaves in about 2 hours, so I gotta roll.

Check ya later, check ya later.


Saturday, August 13, 2005

Back In Vegas

Just got back from my 10 day trip to California. It was, well, I guess you'd say it was "interesting." I'll update more about the trip and other shit thats been going on in the next few days.

I'm actually leaving Vegas again on Monday. A little one week trip to the bean; it's been almost 3 months since I've been home, damn.

August is turning out to be a busy fuckin' month.

More on everything later on.

until then, MAX